[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8205: Shortcut ends in parse_url-error

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Nov 5 01:10:40 CET 2008


there was one problem left. When you make a shortcut from filelist there 
was a problem determing the basename.

urldecode was done for complete url which made it impossible to 
parse_url, because in id a path was given.

I removed the urldecode there for proper parse_url.

But then the regular expression doesn't match slash at the end, so i 
made the urldecode there with the id-part.

I also added a space after the prefix, so if you make a shortcut in 
filelist on folder fileadmin/templates/ shortcut is named "Shortcut 

vg Steffen
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