[TYPO3-core] RFC #9615: Move frontend editing to a system extension
Jeff Segars
jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Mon Nov 3 20:57:03 CET 2008
Hey Steffen,
Getting back around to updating the patch and addressing these comments.
Updated patch attached.
Steffen Kamper wrote:
> class.t3lib_frontendedit.diff
> =============================
> + if(is_callable(array($this, $cmd))) {
> + $this->$cmd($table, $uid);
> + }
> would be helpful to call an exception if action isn't available
I'm fine with adding that. Do we have any standards in place already
about where the exception classes live or anything like that? I hate to
pollute t3lib with another class that doesn't do much of anything.
> $hideField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'];
> before there was a check on $hideField, now there is no check. This
> cause a problem with
> $recData[$table][$uid][$hideField] = 1;
> when $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'] is
> NULL, is this filled all the time?
The code here is actually the same as before unless I'm overlooking
something. Pasting it below...
> public function hide($table, $uid) {
> $hideField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'];
> if ($hideField) {
> $recData = array();
> $recData[$table][$uid][$hideField] = 1;
> $this->tce->start($recData, array());
> $this->tce->process_datamap();
> }
> }
> strtolower($conf['allow']
> should be t3lib_div::strtolower($conf['allow'] for turkish reasons
In this case, allow is a list of actions that come from a predefined
list (show, edit, etc) so Turkish shouldn't really be a concern. I went
ahead and changed it just in case someone defines their own action though.
> There are some CGL-issues, the tabbed comments and some spaces missing
> after comma.
Scrubbed the file again for everything I saw. Comments are actually
supposed to be tabbed until we have an official decision on that and an
update to the CGL, right?
> class.tx_feedit_adminpanel.diff
> ================================
> $row .= '<img src="' . TYPO3_mainDir . 'gfx/ol/' . ...
> please use scinning interface (and CGL)
I'm wondering if the skinning interface actually makes sense right now.
The call to setFancyDesign() ignores skinning so changing icons based on
the current skin could actually break things and at a minimum will cause
an inconsistent look and feel.
Not saying skinning support shouldn't be added, but its probably outside
the scope of this patch that is just for refactoring.
> . chr(10)
> just annotation - would be better to have global constant LINE_BREAK
If you're OK with it, I'll leave it as-is for now since the chr(10) is
used only 3 times in adminpanel and once in editpanel. If there was
already a global value, I could see using it but the usage is rare and I
don't see it as something that will be changing.
> function getHiddenFields, foreach($val as $k => $v) {
> please change to foreach($val as $valKey => $value) {
> .. some CGL like $out.=
Scrubbed again for CGL.
> while(list(,$row)=each($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->extPageInTreeInfo)) {
> please use foreach
> + reset($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->extPageInTreeInfo);
> + while(list(,$row) =
> each($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->extPageInTreeInfo)) {
> the same
Done :)
> function extGetHead: the scinning again.
> function extItemLink: CGL
> also the tabbed comments
Scrubbed again for CGL. Same comment as above on the tabbed comments :)
> class.tx_feedit_editpanel.diff
> ===============================
> + $content = (strlen($cBuf) && $securCount) ?
> substr($content, 0, strlen($cBuf)) . $icon . substr($content,
> strlen($cBuf)) : $content = $icon . $content;
> this looks like a problem in utf8-mode with the native strlen, substr etc.
Are you OK with addressing this in a separate RFC? From a quick glance,
it looks like some brittle code to me and I'd rather give any changes
the full attention of a normal RFC rather than rolling it into a big
patch where it gets lost.
> $cf1 = "if (confirm(" . t3lib_div::quoteJSvalue($confirm, true) . ")){";
> should be single quotes
> just a joke in between:
> $tceforms->setFancyDesign() sounds like an easteregg :D
Yeah, I always thought that one was funny too, given that the design
isn't particularly fancy :)
Thanks for the review and testing!
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