[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #9539: More flexible editpanel permission
Ralf Hettinger
ng at ralfhettinger.de
Sat Nov 1 15:25:53 CET 2008
This is an SVN patch request.
Bugtracker references:
The permission check for rendering/using an editpanel in the frontend
for logged in backend users depends on the BE user's permissions for the
current TSFE->id only. This may lead to non editable records in FE for
logged in BE users, although they actually would have the permission to
edit those records in the backend.
That is typically (but not only) the case for FE plugins with their
records being stored in a sysfolder, which shall be editable for some BE
user but who is restricted by permissions to edit the page where the
records are eventually outputted in FE.
The attached patch introduces a new parameter for cObject EDITPANEL and
stdWrap property editPanel named
permissionCheckOnPid = [int | keyword 'pid']
for checking this editpanel's usability/permissions based on a given pid
(if an integer) or a record's pid field (if keyword 'pid').
Ralf Hettinger
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