[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #5611 Frontend preview and simulate time is buggy
Ralf Hettinger
ng at ralfhettinger.de
Sat Nov 1 12:30:05 CET 2008
This is an SVN patch request.
Type: Bug
Bugtracker references:
4.1, 4.2, trunk (4.3)
Preview time is not respected correctly in FE when using the admin
panel. As soon as it is set, all content is displayed disregarding any
start- and enddates.
(quoting Michael Stucki, who reported and -I think- solved the problem)
"It seems like sys_page->versioningPreview is set as soon as
$TSFE->fePreview is true. However, fePreview is not the same like a
versioning preview. Therefore, the check must be changed.
I'm not sure how to assure if we are in versioningPreview mode, but I
assume that one of these needs to be set:
- t3lib_div::_GP('ADMCMD_view')
- intval($TSFE->workspacePreview)
That should also cover any versioning preview links (ADMCMD_prev)..."
As from my experience and by reading the other bt replies, Michael's
patch works like a charm, so I would give this a +1 by myself based on
testing if I wasn't reporting ;)
Maybe Michael wants to comment his own solution description, which
sounds plausible to me but is written as if he wasn't that sure by himself.
Ralf Hettinger (indeed should read Michael Stucki, I think ;) )
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