[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #6040: bundled mailform improvements

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Sat Nov 1 12:01:23 CET 2008


I diffed against some modified source which included another feature;
sorry for that.

Please use the attached patch for testing.

Am 01.11.2008 11:45 schrieb Ralf Hettinger:
> Hi,
> I eventually found it's state at [2] - seems this was postponed to 4.4.
> Therefore, I'm attaching a patch for some slight improvements described
> initially by this RFC that may be adequate for putting into 4.3.
> Cheers
> Ralf
> [2] http://typo3.org/development/roadmap/
> Am 01.11.2008 10:12 schrieb Ralf Hettinger:
>> Hi,
>> does anyone have information about the current state of the new FORM Wizard?
>> I wasn't able to spend more time on this topic - might be a quite
>> reknown problem ;)
>> At least I haven't lately recognized any ongoings at [1]...
>> However, I would still think that having some improvements (though not
>> very spectacular ones) to the FORM wizard in 4.3 would be better than
>> nothing.
>> Cheers
>> Ralf
>> [1] http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Form_Wizard_for_TYPO3_4.2
>> Am 26.01.2008 17:41 schrieb Ralf Hettinger:
>>> This is an SVN patch request.
>>> Type: New feature
>>> Bugtracker references:
>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6040
>>> Branches:
>>> trunk only
>>> Problem:
>>> Mailform improvements:
>>> (1) Have checkbox arrays available: Those are functionally similar to multiple
>>> select fields, but might be more convenient and familiar for many users out
>>> there. Regarding the rendering, they tend to be familiar to the already existing
>>> field elements of radio buttons. And of course there is a relation to the
>>> already existing single checkbox fields. So it's something in between - and
>>> quite useful, I think ;)
>>> (2) Possibility to configure a forms' reset button from within the wizard (as
>>> many editors might never use
>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000743 if they can't set it by
>>> using the wizard)
>>> (3) More configurability for wrapping submit and reset buttons.
>>> (4) under certain circumstances, accessible forms will result in invalid HTML
>>> Solution:
>>> Attached patch bundles solutions for the mentioned problems
>>> Notes:
>>> I've read that a major overhaul is (or at least was) scheduled for mailforms.
>>> Unfortunately I haven't recognized them in current trunk, so I decided to at
>>> least provide these small adjustments. Is there any information about the topic
>>> of new mailforms and TYPO3 core? Would be happy to contribute here...
>>> Ralf Hettinger

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