[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8492: tiny stuff in the Help Module #1

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Sat May 31 12:30:12 CEST 2008

Hey Steffen,

very nice indeed. +1 after reading.

What was the reason again why you hadn't the structure:

* About TYPO3
* About Modules
* TYPO3 Manual
* TypoScript Help

or probably even better:

* TYPO3 Manual
* About TYPO3
* About Modules
* TypoScript Help

if it's because they are still in typo3/mod, we can finally rip them out 
and also make a "helpabout" sysext that includes these two modules. 
Would be another task, fairly simple though (I did that for the open 
documents some months ago). So maybe we can get right of this "mod" 
folder alltogether very soon :)
Steffen, could you take care of that? If so, I propose this patch to be 
"on hold" until this other change is done. Is that ok?

BTW: I also have no problem whatsoever with these small LL changes.


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