[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8515: Speed up tslib_cObj->getTreeList by caching its results

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Tue May 27 14:15:52 CEST 2008

Oliver Klee wrote:

Hi Oliver,

> do you have any performance numbers (for different cases) that show how 
> great the performance improvement is (with cache hits and misses)?

well, that of course largely depends on the number of pages you have in 
your tree, which page you set as starting point and what you set for 
recursion. You'll get the most out of it when selecting a page with many 
sub pages and setting recursion to infinite.

There's a thread in the dev list where I provided some numbers:

So basically who gains most from this patch is indexed_search as it 
usually starts at your root page and traverses *all* subpages


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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