[TYPO3-core] RFC #8507: Fileadmin: Setting alt attributes and use the locallang.xml files instead of locallang.php files

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Mon May 26 23:21:15 CEST 2008

"Stefano Kowalke" <blueduck at gmx.net> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1211835574.9724.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...

> It seems you updated the CGL at T3DD, were could I get the new one?
> Cheers
> Stefano
> -- 

[TYPO3-core] FYI: CGL Notes from T3DD
for an update ;-)

vg Steffen

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