[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8515: Speed up tslib_cObj->getTreeList by caching its results

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Mon May 26 13:18:47 CEST 2008

Oliver Klee wrote:

Hi Oliver,

> - Do we really need to store the cache in the DB or would a cache in a 
> static variable suffice?

yes, it needs to be in the DB. Storing it in a static variable is pretty 
pointless as the result would be lost when the script ends.

> - Why is the cache cleared randomly? I think this will make testing a 
> lot harder if this isn't deterministic.

If you would have read the description properly you should have noticed 
that it is not random. The cache is cleared under those circumstances 
that would alter the result.

> Some issue concerning coding style (as decided upon in the CGL session):
> - Please use lowercase "true" and "false".

it was decided to be uppercase

> - Please make all lines shorter than 80 characters (also the function 
> declarations).

not for function declarations, other than that most lines are within the 
80 chars

> - Please align the comments with the code:
>   // comment for the next code line
>   code ...;

no, comments are indented with one tab as I did it.


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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