[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8441: pageErrorHandling doesn't work with relative files in a subfolder TYPO3 install

Christoph Koehler christoph.koehler at gmail.com
Mon May 19 17:31:36 CEST 2008

In article
<mailman.1.1211210277.24549.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de>"Steff
en Kamper" <steffen at sk-typo3.de> wrote:
>  Hi,

>>>    btw - whats with t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl?
>>>    There is also TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST which will fail when having
>>> TYPO3_SITE_URL.in a folder, i think there are some other places too

>>>    vg Steffen

>>   Yeah probably. It worked okay in my tests with that setting, but I
>> am sure there could be more.Do you want me to change those also?

>>   Christoph

>  if you are wotrking on this issue it would make sense to test those
> functions in your environent too and change it if necessary.

>  It should be easy to search for usage of  TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST to
> detect other possible problems.

>  vg Steffen 

Alright, I can look at that. The method you mentioned is a candidate,
but I probably can't look at every instance of TYPO3_REQUEST_HOST.


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