[TYPO3-core] RFC #8264 t3editor: "+" (plus) signs are replaced by spaces

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Thu May 1 13:53:31 CEST 2008

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] schrieb:
> So my question to Tobias is: what happens if we do not replace 
> encodeURIComponent with escape (or escapeplus) at all? It seems to me 
> that this replacement is not needed at all.

I haven't lookt at the code in question but IMHO we don't need to 
encode/decode anything *within* JS. Current JS implementaions can handle 
"all" character sets (at least the ones TYPO2 supports). The only need 
to encode/decode anything is when data is transferred via a HTTP GET (ie 
the query string).


PS: an example for a misplaced escape() is the FE form handling. At the 
time the code was written it made sense to use escape() for fillig in 
the form. Nowadays it only breaks the form on any page other than 

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