[TYPO3-core] RFC #7903: Code cleanup: PHP5ize t3lib_extMgm to bring in line with it's documentation.

Kasper Ligaard kasperligaard at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 12:10:32 CET 2008

This is an SVN patch request.
Type: Code cleanup

Bugtracker references: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=7903
Branches: TYPO3_4-2

In the documentation for t3lib_extMgm it states:
"This class is never instantiated, rather the methods inside is called
as functions like t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('my_extension');"
Now that we have PHP5 as a minimum we should make the function in
t3lib_extMgm 'public static'. Without running 'public static' E_STRICT
warnings are given to people using the class as documented, and not
giving errors to people using it wrongly (e.g. instantiating it)

The attached patch adds 'public static' to all the function of
- I know Typo3 does not use E_STRICT, but I still think the proposed
change would benefit all.
- This patch request is similar to
- I have found no place in Typo3 where t3lib_extMgm are instantiated, so
this change should be safe.
- I have never met places on the web where t3lib_extMgm are not
correctly used, so (again) this change should be safe.

PS: This is my first patch request. Please tell me if something was done
wrong :-)
Regards, Kasper
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