[TYPO3-core] small CSS changes (t3skin)

Stefan Galinski stefan.galinski at frm2.tum.de
Wed Mar 12 11:21:59 CET 2008

Ingo Renner wrote:

> Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
>> This is not typical to have cursor as pointer for labels and buttons.
>> Normal forms in browser do not do this. Why should we? I am not saying
>> that it is bad, I am trying to understand the idea.
> I agree with Dmitry, you won't see this in desktop applications either...
> -1
> Ingo

Sure, its not typical for any desktop application to use the pointer style,
but there exists several applications which use some other methods. Firefox
marks checkboxes if you hover over the label and in general most
applications highlights buttons if you hover over them. If you look
yourself about your favored applications you can find lots of examples

Currently the t3skin doesn't mark clickable labels and/or buttons (e.g. the
logout button). My proposal just adds pointer styles, because its the
easiest way.

IMHO another advantage of adding pointers to labels is to mark them as
clickable. There exists lots of forms without labels and that can be really
annoying if you click them and nothing happens.

I hope you get my idea... :-)

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