[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7818: Hardcoded logo & labels instead of p tags
Georg Ringer
mail-spam at ringerge.org
Mon Mar 10 21:29:06 CET 2008
this is a SVN patch request.
Type: Bugfix, Cleanup, nobrainer
Branches: 4_2
Bugtracker Reference:
Currently, the small logo in the copyright area (which is hidden by
t3skin css) is hardcoded (and not a good quality) and the login form
uses ugly p tags instead of lables.
I changed the hardcoded logo and the labels
Additional information:
Logo has still got ugly quality. I got a nicer one
http://www.ringer.it/fileadmin/upload/loginlogo_transp.png but it is
png, so we need something for IE or a nicer gif.
have a nice evening
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