[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7396: hardcoded fieldset and legend around radio buttons

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sun Mar 9 21:32:08 CET 2008

Ingo Renner schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Hi Masi,
>>> I think this is not needed as accessibilty mode is automatically 
>>> enabled by setting compatMode to 3.9.0. It's not available in other 
>>> situations anyways.
>> But I can disable it manually! To me a PHP solution would be enough if 
>> you change the name.
> ???

I mean, do it as you did in your patch (with PHP), but rename it. 
allWrap is an ill-chosen name. It's not clear what the all is and it os 
not clear that the wrapping will only happen when accessibility mode is 
turned on. My suggestion of accessibilityWrap doesn't help with the 
former issue, but is an improvement for the second.

>> I don't know if it's a must, but I'm always annyoed if I come to a 
>> point where I cannot have different settings by a lack of stdWrap or a 
>> similiar "dynamical TS expression".
> can you really think about a situation where you'd need a stdWrap _here_?

Some fancy colouring (done via CSS-classes) based on the field name :-)


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