[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7396: hardcoded fieldset and legend around radio buttons

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Sun Mar 9 11:13:27 CET 2008

Ingo Renner schrieb:
>> But as the wrap is not apllied always I suggest to name it either 
>> accessibilityWrap or do some TS wonders to be of effect only in this 
> I think this is not needed as accessibilty mode is automatically enabled 
> by setting compatMode to 3.9.0. It's not available in other situations 
> anyways.

But I can disable it manually! To me a PHP solution would be enough if 
you change the name.

>> mode. BTW, you made it a pure wrap. I'm pretty sure somebody will want 
>> it to be a stdWrap :-)
> I think we do not need a stdWrap everywhere, especially not here. Other 
> than that a wrap is faster then a stdWrap. However, if someone ffels 
> like we need a stdWrap, he can come up with a separae patch.

I don't know if it's a must, but I'm always annyoed if I come to a point 
where I cannot have different settings by a lack of stdWrap or a 
similiar "dynamical TS expression".


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