[TYPO3-core] RFC: Add feature #6547: Allow ignoring of the the no_cache parameter

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sun Mar 2 02:13:51 CET 2008


Well I consider this a security related feature because this can in
theory be used for DOS attacks. But of course, the primary goal is to
help getting rid of any no_cache usage.

Attached is a new patch which calls t3lib_div::sysLog() in every case
when $TSFE->set_no_cache() is called. This will be pretty helpful to see
 how often and because of what the caching was disabled.

Comments: There is no easy way to trigger this when $TSFE->no_cache is
set directly. We could probably protect it and enforce usage of
$TSFE->set_no_cache(), but then again this might block some existing
(faulty) extensions...

The code is pretty simple so it should be easy to approve this change.
Thanks in advance!

- michael

Michael Stucki schrieb:
> This is an SVN patch request.
> Type: New feature
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6547
> Branches:
> Trunk only
> Problem:
> | The &no_cache parameter is the number one reason for unneccessarily slowing
> | down a website.
> | There are better ways to turn off caching for certain parts of a website,
> | therefore the parameter should be removed.  
> | 
> | This will require lots of extensions to be changed, therefore I suggest to
> | introduce this change in two steps:
> | 1. Allow disabling of the parameter so that developers can see what would
> | break
> | 2. Finally, enable the parameter by default
> Solution: 
> Start by implementing the first step
> Notes:
> This is my last patch before I will leave for 2 months holiday! In this time, 
> Ingmar will substitute me wherever it is needed.
> Have fun, and see you next year... :-)
> - michael

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