[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9046: Nested domain linking with domain record on root page

Christopher Hlubek hlubek at networkteam.com
Tue Jul 29 10:58:51 CEST 2008


This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Branches: Trunk, TYPO3_4-2

Bugtracker references:


Consider the following setup with multiple domains:

+ root (domain A, siteroot)
+--+ Subsite (domain B, siteroot)
| |
| +--+ Subpage
+--+ Some Page
+--+ Other Page

Even with typolinkEnableLinksAcrossDomains enabled, the links from the 
subsite (domain B) back to some page on domain A won't get domain A 

How to reproduce:

Create a site with a similar page structure and multiple, nested domain 
records like above. Create a link from the inner domain to some page 
with the outer domain -> The link doesn't get the outer domain prepended.

In class.tslib_content.php (5324) there is a check for every part in the 
rootline, if the linked page shares a root page with the current page. 
It does! The recently added check for is_siteroot is not considered, 
because it is checked after this. So these checks should be swapped to 
check for is_siteroot first and find the domain record on the root page.

Additionally there should be another tweak to not always include the 
domain for pages that link between the outer domain (which will always 
be found). This could be accomplished by comparing the HTTP_HOST with 
the domain that should be prepended.


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