[TYPO3-core] RFC: Resubmission of feature #1585: Logfile by Request URI + configuration of Empty Referer handling + logline hook
Ralf Hettinger
ng at ralfhettinger.de
Sat Jan 26 15:30:01 CET 2008
This is an SVN patch request.
New feature
Bugtracker references:
trunk only
Bundling four problems in one request, since they all subsume under the topic
config.stat_apache=1 logging.
(1) There is no option for config.stat_apache_pagenames to trigger logging of
the request URI itself. But this is likely to be most interesting to log if some
rewrite extension like realurl / simulateStaticDocuments / (...) is in place.
(2) Logging of query parts is currently performed (ie query parts written to
log) but not of any use for TYPO3.
(3) TYPO3's logging is not able to track empty Referers and User Agents hits as
Apache itself could (and would by default).
(4) The logLine generated by class.tslib_fe.php is not extendable.
(1) Introduce the options [requesturi] and [requesturi] to
(2) stat_apache_cutQuery = [boolean] will trigger cutting query parameters
(anything behind '?') of the logged line
(3) Though this is not an exact solution (which I think is not possible due to
missing env var), it could be made configurable how to log hits with an empty
Referer and User Agent (since Apache's direct address hits will be seen as empty
referer by TYPO3). Introducing the property stat_apache_emptyReferer=[string]
and stat_apache_emptyUserAgent=[string]
(4) On behalf of Thomas Oppelt: Add a LogLine hook to tslib_fe->statistics():
This feature was already suggested on 2007-11-10 to this list but Martin
Kutschker had some good suggestions/corrections to the former patch. Those are
respected within this version.
Ralf Hettinger
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