[TYPO3-core] RFC #7267: Feature: Improvements to the shortcutmenu (icons and labeltext).

Stig Nørgaard Færch stig at 8620.dk
Sat Jan 26 10:38:22 CET 2008

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: New feature

Bugtracker references:


The icons in the Shortcut menu should reflect the actual record type, 
and the shortcut labels should be more descriptive.

I have added two diffs.
The first one makes the icons in the new shortcut menu reflected the 
actual record type. So the if you have a shortcut to at news category 
record, you will have the news category icon instead of the pencil icon.

The second one does the exact same as bug_7267_1.diff, plus
changes to the shortcut label when shortcuts are created.
So if you create a shortcut to a 'Website User' record on the page 
'storage folder' the label will be: 'Edit Website User (storage folder)'.
If you create a shortcut to a blank 'Website User' record on the page 
'storage folder', the label will be: 'Create Website User (storage folder)'.
The result is a more descriptive shortcut label, but also a longer 
label. So in some situations it might impose some problems with the 
current shortcut menu width...


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