[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature Request #5610: Extend TCEFORM_confObj on Page TSconfig by property filterItems

Helmut Hummel typo3 at jhpc.de
Wed Jan 16 09:53:24 CET 2008

Hi Olli,

thanks for this patch, this will be a great improvement. I often missed such 
functionality. Netvertheless I have some questions and remarks

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:
>> Oliver Hader wrote: on 15.01.2008 16:57:
>>> Example:
>>> TCEFORM.<table>.<field>.filterItems = 110,101,111
 > I've attached a new patch which removes the 'filterItems.ignore'
 > property. The main property is still called 'filterItems'.

I would agree with Ernesto here and would suggest to only name it "Items".

Then we would have "addItems", "removeItems" like the TS-Functions addToList and 
removeFromList and the explicit setting of the wanted "Items" similar to the 
assigning of a value in TS.

What do you think? For me this looks pretty straightforward.

Naming the t3lib function filterArray is fine with me.

At least I feel a little indifferent about this "--div--" thingy. I thought 
about only allowing a comma seperatad int list and adding always the "--div--" 
to the list of Items:

filterArray($selItems, $PA['fieldTSConfig']['filterItems'].',--div--', $filterFunc)

But I'm not aware at all, how the '--div--' is handled in other places!

besides from that, +1 by reading

lib.salutation = TEXT
lib.salutation.value = Kind regards, Helmut
lib.salutation.lang.de = Viele Grüße, Helmut

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