[TYPO3-core] RFC #5660: Wrong HTTP Header on Domain Redirect

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Mon Jan 14 22:44:45 CET 2008

This is a SVN patch request.

Branches: Trunk

BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5660

Redirects from domain records send a 302 HTTP header (temporary 
redirect) instead of a 301 HTTP header (permanent redirect).

Add the appropriate header in t3lib_page :)

Notes: All the feedback I've received so far says we shouldn't make this 
configurable and should always send the permanent redirect.  I'm open to 
adding some config options if enough people think its needed though. 
There's also a question of whether this is a bugfix that should be 
included in 4.1 or a new feature for 4.2 only.


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