[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature Request #7139: Integration of fe_users password encryption

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jan 14 21:58:36 CET 2008

"Dmitry Dulepov [typo3]" <dmitry at typo3.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1200343841.10221.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi!
> Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
>> However, using the encryption key is not such a good idea, because just 
>> imagine that you accidentally change it: Then all your FE user passwords 
>> get invalid! Therefore it is better to save the salt along with the 
>> passwords.
> If security key is changed, lots of things stop working. I tried once (it 
> was for 3.7.0 I think). So it quite safe to use: everything breaks if 
> security key is changed.
>> You can also store the password in the same field you store the MD5 in 
>> (the "password" field of the fe_users table), maybe separated by an "@".
>> Example:
>>  a2md56fhf7zfmd5rhzfdmd5du4 at some_random_salt_string_for_this_password
> Hm, good idea! Random string can be obtained with "uniqid('', true)".
> -- 

the biggest problem for me is the JS for the BE. Looking to md5.js it's not 
an easy task

vg  Steffen 

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