[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #7096: Consistent interface for AJAX calls in the TYPO3 Backend

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Thu Jan 10 22:04:44 CET 2008

Hey guys,

this is the patch I am going to commit (if nobody objects any time 
soon). Olly reviewed the patch and suggest to add another nice feature 
so people can choose either "json", "jsonhead" (only in the response 
header) and "jsonbody" (only in the response body).
Also, in this patch, I changed the ajaxID for the pagetree / foldertree 
to "pagetree_ExpandCollapse" / "foldertree_ExpandCollapse" (_ as a 
namespacing character, so people get it better with their "txmyext_ajaxID").


www.xnos.de // www.xnos.org
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