[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #7096: Consistent interface for AJAX calls in the TYPO3 Backend

Benjamin Mack mack at xnos.org
Wed Jan 9 16:14:56 CET 2008

Last one for today.

This is the final version of this interface.

-- What has changed?

* It is now possible to set one of three content-types (JSON, XML, 
plain) to send the content from the server to the client. The TYPO3AJAX 
object will take care of the rest.
* I introduced new constants in config_default.php that are coded 
bitwise, so we can do bitwise comparison of what TYPO3_REQUESTTYPE it 
is. What do you think of them? Maybe it's finally a way to consolidate 
this constant mix.
* I fixed some bugs with the new pagetree AJAX part that I noticed.
* I also needed to update the "manual" for this of course.

www.xnos.de // www.xnos.org
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