[TYPO3-core] Ready for TYPO3 4.2.4?

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Dec 25 12:37:38 CET 2008


Benjamin Mack schrieb:
> Hey michael,
> wasn't there some issue open with the timezone bug, that in some cases 
> the timezone was shifted? Can't really remember exactly how it happened 
> but I think I had something like that in a 4.2.x installation. Steffen, 
> do you know more about this?

there was an issue but iirc it produces a difference of one minute, i 
will recheck.
I would like to have two issues fixed before release:
* the TCA is currupted which leads to less tabs, oll fixed it in issue #9897
* RTE in section doesn't work. I puzzled a while until i saw that it 
only work with using "compressed scripts". I will make a demo extension 
today with sections, also sections in sections, that could also help for 
rewrite of TCEforms as discussed in Karlsruhe.

vg Steffen

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