[TYPO3-core] RFC #10011: New feature: TypoScript Condition to check for installed extensions

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Wed Dec 24 17:01:43 CET 2008

> both ext and extension doesn't reflect what's the condition is about. I 
> would prefer
> extIsLoaded or extensionIsLoaded

how about:
[extension = extMgmMethod:param1:paramN = comparisonValue]

[extension = isLoaded:realurl = 1] && [extension = version:realurl > 1.3.00]

That way we could provide any feature in the conditions that extMgm is 
providing. You might say, that "isLoaded:realurl = true" should better 
be "isLoaded = realurl" - but what if you want the condition to match if 
it's not loaded? Using "!=" doesn't really "fit" in that case and 
providing a negated method for every purpose is to much overhead in my 

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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