[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9149: Additional Stylesheets in template.php

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Sun Aug 31 19:16:12 CEST 2008

Hey Masi,

> But the method is just a way to access this property. Depending on the
> OO-school it may even be forbidden to access any property without a
> setter/getter method ;-)
Fine with me too ;-) However, in this case, we should do this in a 
template-2.0.php file. actually, we COULD start a 
typo3/classes/class.typo3template.php or class.backendpage.php
that does the view part for a possible MVC in the backend, this way, we 
don't have to do this crappy mixture of old variables and new variables.

> The method hides the implementation details so this should be more
> forward compatible then a plain array.
Yes. In this case we'd need a
$doc->addStylesheet($key, $filepath);
to it. That'd make me happy :)

All the best,

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