[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9109: Enable feature in element browser in rte like in normal one

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Fri Aug 15 09:56:38 CEST 2008

Here is the documentation for the feature

TSConfig -> Options

[list of page uids]
Sets alternative mountpoint for page tree in element browser.
If set, it replaces the user's mountpoint. This is useful to allow 
linking to pages which are not in the resources of the user.
options.pageTree.altElementBrowserMountPoints = 1,5

[list of folders relative to fileadmin]
Sets additional file mounts in element browser. If set, these file 
mounts will be added to existing ones and the whole folder tree is set 
to read-only.
options.folderTree.altElementBrowserMountPoints = _temp_,templates

vg Steffen
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