[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed bug #8988: htmlArea RTE: Pasting text from MS Word to Firefox 3 brings a lot of garbage

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Tue Aug 12 23:29:51 CEST 2008

FYI: The attached SVN patch was committed.


When pasting from word processors, Firefox 3 is adding unwanted meta 
tags, and sometimes link, title and style tags.

1. The remove MS format option in Remove format dialogue will remove 
link, meta, style and title tags and their contents;
2. If enableWordClean is set, but not with HTMLparser, then the default 
cleaning on paste will take effect and will remove link, meta, style and 
title tags and their contents;
3. On the way to the database, the default RTE transformation processing 
options will remove link, meta, style and title tags, but not their 
contents (the contents of the style tags will be cleaned because they 
are commented and the processing options are already set to remove 
comments); I was unable to make FF3 insert some text inside the inserted 
title tags, which I find rather odd; the link and meta tags of course 
have no content;
4. If enableWordClean is set with the default HTMLparser configuration, 
then the default RTE transformation will be applied on paste;
5. The Typical and Demo default configurations are modified so that the 
RTE will remove tags link, meta, title and style and their contents on 
saving and on toggling to text mode.

Bugtracker references:

TYPO3_4-2 (revision 3971)
trunk (revision 3972)


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