[TYPO3-core] RFC #9094: Make simulate static a system extension

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Tue Aug 5 14:42:01 CEST 2008

Hi *,

Am 05.08.2008 um 14:32 schrieb Dmitry Dulepov [typo3]:

>> ok then - for $pObj (although I still don't like it as novice  
>> developers
>> won't know what it is and as I think that we don't have to continue
>> doing it wrong just because we did it until now)
> pObj = parent object. Sounds obvious for the parameter that  
> represents the parent object.

Jst a sdenote: I rmbr perfectly that I always asked mself what "pid"  
means when I was still
new to TYPO3. Parent Id? Page Id? (quite a difference)

So, pObj is obvious for us. But not for evry1.


(who doesn't like abbrvs.)
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