[TYPO3-core] RFC #9094: Make simulate static a system extension

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Aug 5 13:26:48 CEST 2008

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] schrieb:
> Hi!
> Ingo Renner wrote:
>> how about $functionReference or plain $function (no need to explicitly
>> say that it's a reference)
> Too long. Takes time to read instead of quickly catching the meaning.
> There is no difficulty in understanding $funcRef.
>> same her... $parentObject or even more simple $parent (implying that
>> the parent is an object)
> I am for using the same name everywhere. $pObj is a common name for it.

Harhar, here we are again.

My point is that abbreviations are ok, if they are well known or really
easy to understand in the context. Having to spell out everything leads
only to ridiculously long names.

The other point is my do when-in-rome-do-as-the-romans approach. It's
$pObj everywhere and everybody knows what it means. No need to change it
just because some clever book tells you to make it differently.

Please, let's stick in 4.x to our old conventions. The 5.0 team may type
in long names that gets your fingers , but old farts like to have
shorter names ;-)


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