[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9097: Introduce a new caching framework (backported from FLOW3)

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Aug 1 18:08:18 CEST 2008

Hi Ingo,

nice work! I just skimmed over the code, so this is not exacly a full 
detailed review, but +1 for the progress so far by reading, if this is 


Ingo Renner wrote: on 01.08.2008 13:14:
> Hi all,
> this is a SVN patch request.
> Branches: trunk only
> Type: feature
> BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=9097
> Problem:
> Caching is a way to speed up rendering of pages as results of expensive 
> operations get stored and reused the next time the expensive operation 
> should be run.
> Currently the TYPO3 core uses different caches with different 
> implementations which is not optimal in regard to maintainance.
> Solution:
> FLOW3 offers a well designed caching framework that is easily extendable 
> to store the cache data in different ways. The framework is also easy to 
> use and through the use of design patterns easy to understand and 
> maintain. Thus the caching framework has been backported to fit the 
> TYPO3 4.x environment.
> Notes:
> When this cache is shipped with the core, all existing caches can be 
> changed to the new system. This can give us additional flexibility so 
> that you could one day store the page cache in the DB, the other day use 
> the file system and next week store the pages in memcached.
> There is an extension attached so that testing is easy and you can get 
> an idea on how to use the system (which is quite easy). (don't judge the 
> extension's code though)
> The API is not complete however, as f.e. a method $cache->findByTag() is 
> not available yet. I'm going to provide these missing bits and another 
> storage backend in an upcoming commit.
> Why not putting the unmodified FLOW3 classes into typo3/contrib/ ?
> * I tried that as it first looked like it would/could work
> * when starting to do so it turned out that we would need more classes 
> then wanted and that there were depencies that would require to include 
> a long tail of other classes
> Benefits of using the backported FLOW3 classes:
> * we (at least) use the same concepts as FLOW3
> * we already have the same (identical) naming as in FLOW3 (so migration 
> to FLOW3 is a matter of search and replace)
> * the classes fit 4.x codeing guidelines
> * we get what we need, but not more
> * additional development on our side can still be ported to FLOW3 if 
> necessary
> Ingo

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