[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8152: Icons never created when noIconProc=0 and icon is present
Steffen Kamper
steffen at sk-typo3.de
Fri Apr 18 23:42:10 CEST 2008
"Helmut Hummel" <typo3 at jhpc.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1.1208551771.11202.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi Francois,
> Francois Suter wrote:
>> Did you test your patch with the old skin by any chance? It simply
>> doesn't work.
> Well, yours do not work for me either ;)
>> The error is that when you call
>> t3lib_iconWorks::makeIcon() the 5th parameter ($absfile) is still set to
>> the value of the icon without skinning. To have the skinned icon as a
>> base, $absfile must contain an absolute path calculated with the skinned
>> icon path as a base. The enclosed patch corrects this.
> The problem starts earlier:
> if (@is_file(dirname($absfile).'/'.$iconFileName_stateTagged))
> checks, if there is a preprocessed icon, but it looks up in typo3/gfx...
> and not
> in the path of the skin. If we want to change it, we must start there,
> because
> if we leave it this way icons a processed, even if the skin has
> preprocessed
> icons (which is waste of resources).
very good hint. After this i think i got it, please test the new patch.
What i did: i skinned the icon at the beginning, ommitting the backpath.
So i killed two birds with one stone - also preprocessed icons will be
skinned now.
But with noIconProc=1 there is no fallback to old skin if there is no
preprocessed icon, because the concept use the normal icon, process the
flags and extend the iconname with the flags. There are two ways: preprocess
the icons in skin or create a fallback in makeIcon.
vg Steffen
begin 666 8152_noIconProc3.diff
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