[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7900: Docheader scrollbar isn't at right side

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Tue Apr 15 16:47:50 CEST 2008

Jeff Segars wrote:
> Jeff Segars wrote:
>>> The only minor thing I see is that IE7 could probably use the same 
>>> width: 95% as IE6 has. Currently, the table pushes all the way to the 
>>> right edge of the screen and has no padding. It also seems causes the 
>>> horizontal scrollbar to show up more often in IE7 than other browsers.
>>> Once that is resolved, you've got my +1 :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> jeff
> Steffen, any thoughts on IE7 padding before Ingo commits?

Just talked to Steffen via Skype and we've added the 95% width for IE 7 

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