[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7900: Docheader scrollbar isn't at right side

Helmut Hummel typo3 at jhpc.de
Mon Apr 14 00:54:50 CEST 2008

Steffen Kamper wrote:
> "Ingo Renner" <ingo at typo3.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>>> hope that this patch has no more hunks.
>> sending empty files/patches doesn't help ;-)
> empty? patch isn't empty, but leads to hunks in some template files. 

You didn't get the point :)
A hunk is a part of a patch containing code changes at one specified place.
If something goes wrong some hunks cannot be applied and leads to messages like 
"Hunk #xy failed" etc

If a patch has no hunks (which was your statement), it's empty ;)

> I don't 
> know why this happens, i even created them with eclipse from actual svn but 
> still others have this hunks. Strange as i can apply without problems. Benni 
> wanted to repair but his computer sucks again.

Your patches are malformed because of using TortoiseSvn with Windows. The Hunk 
Header has DOS and the Hunk Body Unix line endings *sigh*. This software is kind 
of buggy isn't it?

I attached the patch with LF endings, which should apply smoothly...

lib.salutation = TEXT
lib.salutation.value = Kind regards, Helmut
lib.salutation.lang.de = Viele Grüße, Helmut
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