[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix #4186 GIFBUILDER cropsized images have bad quality

Georg Ringer mail-spam at ringerge.org
Sat Apr 12 19:29:13 CEST 2008

Helmut Hummel wrote:
> I thought about it:
> Since the cropscale feature is in TYPO3 implemented as image resource 
> (and the result of this is always a finished image) and the crop 
> geometry settings in the T3 cropscaling is never bigger than the 
> original image size, I come to the conclusion, that omitting the 
> exclamation mark is safe.
> Does this sound reasonable?

+1 for explanation, and for the patch (testing + reading)

Can we please have this in 4.2? 4.2.9 IM is still most of the used ones 
and IMO there is no need to force a higher version just because of a 
single '!'


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