[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix 8001: Link Wizard not working if not in RTE mode

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Sat Apr 5 22:57:25 CEST 2008

Hi Helmut,

i tested again.

"Helmut Hummel" <typo3 at jhpc.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1207427635.2569.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
> 1. Pressing "Update" does not behave the same way as "set link" (why are 
> these two possibilities there anyway?) Pressing update alwasy removes the 
> link and only puts the title and target in the input field; "set link" 
> always removes the target and the title.

Yes, update makes no sense, imho this button should be removed (or someone 
should explain the sense)

> 2. title is ignored, when going to link wizard a second time
the 3rd Parameter is used as class in link generation, title is the 4th, so 
parameters should be

link target class title

this is imho not optimal because you need a class to set the title, the 
order should be changed to

link target title class

if this is too difficult because backward compatibility and RTE behavior, 
(a) standardclass should be used.
Anyway editing the link drops the title

> 3. External link field starts with http:// when link is empty, but in all 
> other cases it is stripped (minor)

I will look to it too, because this issues should be easier to solve, i'm 
happy that the main problem is solved ;-)

vg  Steffen 

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