[TYPO3-core] RFC: IRRE Localization

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Thu Sep 27 00:50:29 CEST 2007


This is a RFC about IRRE Localization.

Probably some of you know or have at least seen my shop-extension in the 
podcast. In this extension I had a feature like IRRE before it was part 
of the core (I called it TCA-Sections - as the same thing what IRRE is 
is called "sections" in the flex-form world).

Now I ported my shop to use IRRE instead of the TCA-Sections as those 
didn't use AJAX and werent that comfortable.

But now a customer mourned that he couldn't translate such section/IRRE 
records - and he required this for his application.

So I created a first version of IRRE localization.

See the attached patch.

For this to work there are 3 things required:

1. The table which contains the IRRE records must be localizeable (have 
sys_language_uid field and l18n_parent field - and those properly 
assigned in 'columns' and 'ctrl') - You can test this by trying to 
translate such a record.

2. The same as above (1.) has to be done for the IRRE records 
themselves. So you must be able to translate an IRRE record (You can 
also test this in List view - by editing an IRRE record directly instead 
as from it's container)

3. There is an new option "languageMode" introduced for the "inline" 
configuration inside TCA.

The new option "languageMode" can have 3 possible values:

* "original" --> The translated IRRE container shows the IRRE records of 
its language-parent. You can add and move around the IRRE records - each 
of those changes (also editing) in the translated container will affect 
the original language and all other languages. So this isn't really a 
translation as the same IRRE records get displayed in all 
language-version containers.

* "separate" --> Each translated IRRE container will have it's own 
records. You can have a different amount of IRRE records in each 
language version - there is no correlation between default language and 
translated version of the sub/IRRE records.

* "inherit" --> The translated IRRE container will contain as many 
records as it's language parent did - but not like in "original" mode 
the same records - but rather their "localized" pendants (so l18n_parent 
of those IRRE records is set to the uid of the respective IRRE record in 
the original-language container).
It is not possible to move around/delete/hide those records in the 
translated container - you can only to this in the orig-language 
container. The changes will affect the alternate-language containers in 
such a way that the order of the records there also changes.

Those options mostly resemble the options of Flexform-Sections - where 
you could localize via the "lDEF" or the "vDEF" mechanism.

The reason for such a "localization monster" again is that there are 
different requirements for localizing IRRE records.

One customer wants to have a 1:1 translation of every orig-language 
record. Another customer wants to have the option to have more 
sub-records in one language than in another.

Only headache comes to my head when I think more about the "inherit" 
mode. Currently in this mode for every record which has no translated 
record existing a translation is created and linked to the original 
record via l18n_parent.

It probably would be better to have "no" translation of the original 
records in the beginning (and just show them as read-only for example) 
but give the user the opportunity (a button) to create a translation of 
such an original-language record in the translated container (Like in 
the "Page" View of an alternate language when 1:1 language binding is 

This would probably be the better solution but I wont take hands onto 
Olivers AJAX / DHTML code - as this is better modified by himself as he 
has the knowledge how things work together there ... and I would like to
discuss this first ....

So please feel free to comment and test the patch ....


Here is an example to a TCA config for the new feature - nothing changed 
except the new option "languageMode"

[hh_location] => Array (
   [label] => LLL:EXT:kb_shopconf/locallang_dyn.xml:prop_vendor__location
   [exclude] => 1
   [config] => Array (
     [type] => inline
     [foreign_table] => tx_kbshop_stbl_vendor___location_SECTION
     [foreign_field] => parent
     [languageMode] => inherit
     [appearance] => Array (
       [collapseAll] => 1
       [expandSingle] => 1
       [newRecordLinkAddTitle] => 1


PS: Oliver - could you please contact me via skype or ICQ / MSN / gtalk 
- you find all my contact details on my website (think-open.at)

I would like to discuss this topic a litte bit - we could also move to IRC.

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