[TYPO3-core] RFC: minify JavaScript

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Tue Sep 18 16:31:02 CEST 2007

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] schrieb:
> Hi
> This is SVN patch request.
> Branch: trunk
> Problem: we can save lots of web traffic if we generate less spacey 
> (spicy? ;)) JavaScript. For example, just a combination of blur and 
> spam-protect scripts gives 400 bytes savings for each request. Yesterday 
> I had approximately 600000 visits on one site yesterday, which gives 228 
> megabytes of useless traffic! Of course it will be less dramatic with 
> gzip enabled but still...
> Solution: use JSMin library (Expat (MIT) license, compatible with GPL) 
> to minify javascript. Catch errors and return unminified script if error 
> happens. It is safe because JSMin was around for ages and used by many 
> products nowadays. Result is cached, so no real impact on performance.
> There are two patches: full (with JSMin in typo3/contrib/jsmin) and 
> short (with only typo3 code). You can look at short only but you need to 
> apply full patch. Add "config.minifyJS=1" to TS template and see the 
> effect. This works also with

If you add an optional error message parameter like this ...

function minifyJavaScript($script, &$error='') {
  require_once(PATH_typo3 . 'contrib/jsmin/jsmin-1.1.0.php');
  try {
   $script = trim(JSMin::minify(str_replace(chr(13), '', $script)));
  catch(JSMinException $e) {
   t3lib_div::devLog('Error while minifying JavaScript: ' .
     $e->getMessage(), 't3lib_div', 2,
	array('JavaScript' => $script, 'Stack trace' => $e->getTrace()));
   if (isset($error)) {
     $error = $e->getMessage();
  return $script;

...you can add a TS-error here:

if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['minifyJS']) {
   $minifyError = '';
   $_scriptCode = t3lib_div::minifyJavaScript($_scriptCode,$minifyError);
   if ($minifyError) {

And I suggest to rename the config option to config.compactJS or 
config.minimizeJS just in case we choose a different method in the future. 
AFAIK "minify" is not an English word and both "compact" and "minimize" 
signify what is done.

So, nearly a +1 from me :-)


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