[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #2883 / t3lib_div::trimExplode

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Mon Sep 10 15:13:16 CEST 2007

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker wrote:
>> It did work with my unit tests :-(
> Well, you see images... Possibly it works with some PHP versions but 
> does not work with others. What PHP version do you use?
> I checked docs before posting here, they do not forbid using "unset" in 
> foreach loop. Possibly it is just a bug in some versions of PHP but it 
> has to be dealt with :(

I've commited a new version.

The new version creates a new array when $onlyNonEmptyValues is set. 
Interestingly it's still faster (on my machine) than Wolfgang array_*() tricks.

I don't know which PHP versions break with the code of the alpha. So we 
might ship an updated alpha or ship an alpha 2 at the end of this month.


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