[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5655: TYPO3 back-end was blocked on new installations because of a bug in RFC #4886

Ingo Renner typo3 at ingo-renner.com
Thu May 24 21:01:18 CEST 2007

Am 24.05.2007 um 19:36 schrieb Oliver Hader:

> Solution:
> Extend the comparison mentioned above to additionally check the type,
> like "($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['noMenuMode'] === 'icons')".

+1 after looking at the patch.

> Comments:
> There is an additonal fix in the attached patch which solves another
> bug, that occured when someone just logged into the TYPO3 back-end. In
> alt_main.php there is a JavaScript call that shows the intro screen,
> e.g. like "top.goToModule('help_aboutmodules',false,'')". This call  
> gets
> forwareded to the menu/topmenu frame. It is possible that this frame
> isn't completely loaded at this time and a JavaScript error appears.

I also stumbled over this one but didn't come up with the setTimeout  
function. Good one!


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