[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5074: IRRE - Hook processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations executed early

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Sat May 12 15:16:08 CEST 2007

FYI: Committed to SVN (TYPO3_4-1 and Trunk)

* TYPO3_4-1 - new rev. 2335
* Trunk - new rev. 2336


Oliver Hader wrote:
> This is a SVN patch request.
> Problem:
> In context of IRRE it might happen, that records refer to new parent or
> child records that haven't been written to database yet (and don't have
> a proper UID). The hook processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations is
> normally called after a record had been written - but as mentioned above
> in IRRE context this might lead to some confusion and missing data.
> Solution:
> There is already a remapStack which takes care of adjusting IRRE
> relations after all records (grand parent, parents and children) have
> been stored to database. This concept could also be used for the
> mentioned hook call. If there are semi-finished records, the record is
> pushed to a stack and the hook will be executed later. Regular records
> stay untouched from this remapping.
> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5074
> Branches: Trunk & TYPO3_4-1
Oliver Hader

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