[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5074: IRRE - Hook processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations executed early

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Wed Mar 28 15:19:26 CEST 2007

This is a SVN patch request.

In context of IRRE it might happen, that records refer to new parent or
child records that haven't been written to database yet (and don't have
a proper UID). The hook processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations is
normally called after a record had been written - but as mentioned above
in IRRE context this might lead to some confusion and missing data.

There is already a remapStack which takes care of adjusting IRRE
relations after all records (grand parent, parents and children) have
been stored to database. This concept could also be used for the
mentioned hook call. If there are semi-finished records, the record is
pushed to a stack and the hook will be executed later. Regular records
stay untouched from this remapping.

Bugtracker references:

Branches: Trunk & TYPO3_4-1

Oliver Hader
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