[TYPO3-core] RFC: stdWrap in FRAME's .src

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Mar 16 21:26:11 CET 2007

This is a SVN patch request.

Branches: Trunk


If you need to generate a frameset with a dynamic set of FRAME's, you
can't do it with FRAMESET cObject. The '.src' setting of a FRAME just
allows you to define a static frame source.


Pass the .src parameter through stdWrap so that things like that are

frameset = PAGE
frameset {
  typeNum = 150
  frameSet {
    1 = FRAME
    1 {
      obj = plaincontent
      params = scrolling="auto" marginwidth="5" marginheight="0"
      src {
        typolink.parameter.data = GPvar : leftId
        typolink.parameter.wrap = |,98
        typolink.returnLast = url
    2 = FRAME
    2 {
      obj = plaincontent
      params = scrolling="auto" marginwidth="5" marginheight="0"
      src {
        typolink.parameter.data = GPvar : rightId
        typolink.parameter.wrap = |,98
        typolink.returnLast = url

As you can see, the src parameter here will use typolink to generate the
appropriate frame contents based on input _GET parameters. Other uses
would be to generate the src from userFunc etc.

If patch is approved, here are my proposed documentation changes (in
form of a informal "patch"):

TSref -> "FRAME" -> parameter "src":

1) Data type:

- <frame>-data:src
+ <frame>-data:src
+  +stdWrap

2) Description:

- Manually set the src of the frame
- NOTE: Is set automatically and should not be overridden under normal
+ Instead of using the "obj" destination, you can define a specific src
for your frame with this setting. This overrides the default behaviour
of using the "obj" parameter!

3) Default:

- could be index.php?$id&$type
+ typolink to id=[currentId]&type=[obj->typeNum]


Attached is a patch. If looks more nasty than it is. I removed some old
and obsolete comments.


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