[TYPO3-core] Improved page tree (and lots of other fixes)

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2007 at typo3.com
Fri Jul 13 08:57:24 CEST 2007

Hi Benjamin,

Rewriting the functions and adding options like  
"options.pageTree.separatePageTypes = notinmenu,sysfolder" is fine  
with me, but I would like to commit my work first to Trunk and then  
all of you can modify it as you please to improve it. Thats the best  
way to collaborate because I'm out of office for a long time now.

The question whether the feature should be on by default;  
Traditionally we have been too chicken-shit scared to introduce  
changes like this by default that we have made it all optional. This  
results in a situation where the default TYPO3 installations doesn't  
evolve because all the cool features are not turned on. I would like  
to propose that we change that strategy so the default TYPO3 evolves  
with features like this - which can always be disabled of course.  
Naturally, every such feature must be agreed to as a default feature  
by a majority of the core team I believe because some could be too  

This is why I want it by default - because I think it is time that we  
take a stand.

I have included Jens Hoffman in copy of this mail because he is our  
usability guy and I would like to know what he thinks; if it should  
be default or not.

(finally, if you all think it should be turned of by default I'm  
absolutely fine with that...)

- kasper

On Jul 13, 2007, at 0:47 , Benjamin Mack wrote:

> Hi Kasper,
> I have one small addition -- could we change the option
> from
> options.pageTree.dontSeparateNotinMenuPages = 1
> to
> options.pageTree.separateNotinMenuPages = 1
> or even better:
> options.pageTree.separatePageTypes = notinmenu,sysfolder
> so it's not a new default value, since a lot of people don't know  
> why it changes after one.
> Also, could we rewrite your Tree functions so they go into the Tree- 
> object in JavaScript?
> What do you think?
> -- 
> greetings,
> benni.
> -SDG-
> www.xnos.de // www.xnos.org

- kasper

NOTICE: NEW EMAIL for 2007: kasper2007 at typo3.com

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