[TYPO3-core] Improved page tree (and lots of other fixes)
Kasper Skårhøj
kasper2007 at typo3.com
Thu Jul 12 11:23:10 CEST 2007
Hi Guys
I worked for Dassault some weeks back and did a lot of modifications
to the core. Mainly those modifications regards the workspaces/
versioning parts of the core - and generally parts that I have
created myself. I agreed with Stucki that I can just commit these
changes with a "FYI" sent to the core list.
However, there is one change which is conceptual and I would like
your approval of. See the attached screenshot:

Feature 1: In this picture you see that I have added a little filter-
box in the top of the page tree. When you type in letters here, a
JavaScript function will search the DOM of the page and change the
class for entries in the tree where the title doesn't match the typed
string (case-insensitive). If there is no match the page title is
dimmed. It automatically updates when AJAX changes the tree as well.
(This is very nice if you have a huge page tree normally unfolded)
Feature 2: All pages that are not shown in the navigation menu is now
grouped under the title "Not shown in menu (alphabetic)". Furthermore
they are sorted alphabetically. This change was inspired by Dassault
Systems who has maybe 100 pages on the root level in order to create
nice urls (like http://3ds.com/campaign-name/) and only 8 of them
actually shown in the menu. The actual navigation pages are easily
lost track of. With this feature you see navigation-pages for
themselves and all other pages for themselves - sorted alphabetically
which we assume people would like to have it.
Since I have everything in the same patch I would like to know if you
agree to this idea and if so, I suggest that I commit it all in one go.
Here is the changelog for my complete patch:
- Dual-preview for workspaces are only used now if the checkbox
"Frontend Preview" is not checked.
- Whole workspaces can be previewed now for users with no backend
login by a simple link you can email. Same functionality as the
preview link for individual pages available from the Web>Versioning
module. The function is found in User>Workspace (Workspace manager)
- Workspace "swapping" for "New"-placeholders and "Deleted"-Markers
is now supported. Previously, both types would be published, not
swapped. The change also means that effectively the difference
between the value of "t3ver_state" being 1 or 2 is only cosmetic and
the semantic depends on whether the field is set for a record being
online or offline. TYPO3 core API is updated on the issue.
- In the t3lib_cli class, optional parameters to CLI script options
are supported (optional parameters are configured with [] brackets)
- Change in t3lib_refindex so setReferenceValue()
- RTEmagic images are now duplicated when records are copied/
versioned in tcemain. This is a long awaited feature that solves the
bug that RTE magic images shared between too records would result in
both disappearing if the one was deleted. So its in fact a critical
fix for workspaces.
- The "lowlevel" cleaner scripts are updated to allow fixing of
double-references to RTEmagic images (by duplicating them). Also the
script allows to remove all "lost" RTEmagic images found inside
uploads/ folder.
- Moving elements in FlexForms up and down is now fixed so it works
even if indexes of elements in sections are not ordered numerically
- Workspace titles are required to be unique now.
- File upload in the Web>File module will always result in
redirection to the Filelist view of the target folder. This is a
usability enhancement for people who were puzzled that it could
redirect to other locations or a blank page (namely the previously
shown page).
- The navigation page tree now has a nifty searchbox that uses
JavaScript and the prototype library to search and highly/dim
elements in the tree. Very handy for quickly finding your way in huge
page trees. (I think there is a stylesheet problem with Firefox on PC
which doesn't dim elements).
- The navigation page tree is organized so that all pages shown in
the menu are grouped in their normal order while pages not in menu
and sysFolders and ordered alphabetically below.
- User > Workspace module now has a browser-functionality so only 50
versions are shown at a time and you can browse the list.
- Changed label "Draft versions" to "Workspace versions" - some found
it more intuitive.
(And the patch is attached if any of you care to study it)

(Patch is almost complete; However, I will not submit the changes to
"t3lib_db" that it documents and there are a few other minor changes)
- kasper
NOTICE: NEW EMAIL for 2007: kasper2007 at typo3.com
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