[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug 5913: RTEhtmlarea not correctly displayed in IRRE child form-fields and tabs (Part 2)

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Sat Jul 7 14:04:06 CEST 2007

This is a SVN patch request.

This bug is part of RFC #5177 (commited after release of TYPO3 4.1.1).
This issue is about the possibility of nested secions using tabs or
IRRE. The positioning of RTE fields depends on the position in the HTML
structure (e.g. nested in a tab, a inline level, again a tab, and so on)
There are some things in #5177 that were not fixed correctly:
* the "General" tab wasn't recognized - if you use dividers2tabs, have a
--div-- somewhere in the itemList and don't define the first tab, TYPO3
automatically creates the first tab, the "General" tab
* TCEforms::getDynNestedStack() isn't required in this complexity
* "continued nesting" isn't supported - e.g. if there is already a
complex structure of nested tabs and IRRE levels, newly created IRRE
levels don't know about this nesting situation because only the new
child record was created a not the whole structure parsed

This handling of nested structures is also required for a new feature in
4.2, that is mentioned in the bugtracker at issue #5899.

Bugtracker references:
http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5177 (the previous "fix")

Branches: TYPO3_4-1 & Trunk

Oliver Hader
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