[TYPO3-core] RFC: links in BE not underlined in t3skin

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Feb 21 21:43:59 CET 2007

Rupert Germann wrote: on 21.02.2007 15:34:

> This is a SVN patch request.
> Problem:
> with the new skin links in BE are not underlined anymore, that makes it hard 
> to find out that f.i. the words 'TYPO3 security team!' on the 'import 
> extensions' page in EM have a link that opens the security team page on 
> typo3.org. 
> I was pointed to this by a user who told me that there would't be a link to 
> the security team in the extension manager. 
> Solution:
> re-enable 'text-decoration: underline;' for links in BE
> Branches: Trunk only

Hi Rupi,

I like the idea, because I have also stumbled over some very "hidden"
links because of the missing decoration. But I think if you re-enable
these generally we will have to re-decorate to "none" some links that
currently looks nicely without underlines. In my first quick scan:

- Web> List>: the clickable Pagetitle for each row
- Web> List>: the clickable headers for sorting
- in the new content element wizard, all clickable descriptions
- Tools> User Admin: the clickable usernames
- maybe others...

A new class for those kind of links setting text-decoration: none
specifically should do it. So if you find and fix those 4 I found in my
"quick scan", I would +1 that.


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