[TYPO3-core] RFC: Fix bug #3412: Max. filesize for images in 'text with image' and 'images only' CEs has too small default value

Oliver Hader oh at inpublica.de
Tue Feb 20 20:32:40 CET 2007

Michael Stucki wrote:
> Hi Martin,
>>> So how should we proceed? Use $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[BE][maxFileSize] (which is
>>> 10MB by default) or raise the sizes to 5MB (which seems to fit better)?
>> Hm. THe config is described as such: "If set this is the max fileoperation
>> filesize in kb's set in t3lib/extFileFunctions." What exactly does it
>> limit?
> Hmm, you are right. It is currently only used inside t3lib_extfilefunc.php.
> However, since we have this property in place already, I vote for changing
> the description and using it as a system-wide _default_ (see attached
> patch).

Looks good, +1

There are three +1s given. Go ahead... ;-)

Oliver Hader

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